Important information and revision notes:
- Preliminary Proposals are required only for Planning Grants and Planning Grant waivers.
- A Planning Grant has a duration of up to 12 months and the award size has been increased from $15,000 to $20,000.
- IUCRCs funded under this solicitation are eligible to apply for two five-year Phases of funding. Active Phase II Centers funded under prior solicitations have the option of competing for a Phase III award. The new Phase II funding model will consist of two designations based on membership participation and funding levels: Phase II and Phase II-Plus (denoted II+). Phase II+ provides a higher level of NSF support with a proportionately higher level of industry membership.
- Multi-site Centers will consist of a Lead Site and Partner Sites, requiring centralized coordination, management, and operations by the Lead Site.
- For multi-site Centers, a financial plan and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between all Sites is required for how Center operations are funded at the Lead Site.
- There are two levels of Center membership allowed under this solicitation – Full Members and Associate Members.
- Companies of all sizes/types (large and small businesses, startups, for-profit and non-profit entities) are encouraged to participate as Members, as are government agencies (federal, state and local).
For NSF Directorates with topic-specific portfolios i.e., Geosciences (GEO); Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE), IUCRCs will be considered only on topics of interest distributed via Dear Colleague Letters. Please check the NSF website or call the cognizant Program Director in GEO or SBE.
The Industry–University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program accelerates the impact of basic research through close relationships between industry innovators, world-class academic teams, and government leaders. IUCRCs are designed to help corporate partners and government agencies connect directly and efficiently with university researchers to achieve three primary objectives:
- Conduct high-impact research to meet shared industrial needs in companies of all sizes;
- Enhance U.S. global leadership in driving innovative technology development, and;
- Identify, mentor and develop a diverse high-tech, exceptionally skilled workforce.
This recorded webinar provides an overview of the IUCRC program.
View the slide deck of this presentation (PDF).
The IUCRC Office Hour below features Q&A from the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read this official NSF document to learn more about the program and process for applying.
FAQProgram Guidelines
Proposals to the IUCRC solicitation should be submitted in accordance with the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date. The NSF PAPPG is regularly revised, and it is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets the requirements specified in the solicitation and the applicable version of the PAPPG.
Access the current and previous versions of the PAPPG.
Funding for New Centers
Eligibility requirements, program guidelines, and proposal submission instructions can be found in the IUCRC Program Solicitation.
Learn about additional NSF funding opportunities for new IUCRCs in certain technology focus areas.
Funding for Existing Centers
A Center may advance its training and education mission via supplemental funding opportunities. All requests should be discussed and approved for submission with the cognizant Program Director of the award. However, not all NSF Directorates support all supplement types. Available supplements include:
Support graduate students in research in non-academic settings, including company and government laboratories, to enhance student career potential and provide work experience outside of academia; up to $55,000.
Support the training of graduate students to meet both the NSF's strategic workforce development objectives as well as the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) mission to lead the discovery, development and delivery of new technologies for our air, space and cyberspace forces; up to $55,000.
Provide graduate students with professional development opportunities in geothermal energy, technology and its application areas; up to $55,000.
Support internships for geoscience graduate students with public health or medical professionals on mutually beneficial projects exploring the linkage of human health and the earth environment; up to $55,000.
Support undergraduate student involvement in research; up to $8,000.
Support research participation by K-12 teachers and community college instructors; up to $10,000.
Support research participation by undergraduate or graduate students, K-12 STEM teachers, or community college instructors and students who have served in active duty with the U.S. armed forces.
Support students, faculty, and student/faculty teams in two-year Institutions of Higher Education with research internships that involve IUCRCs.
Support carefully mentored research opportunities for high school students, STEM teachers, undergraduate STEM students, faculty, and veteran research participants; up to $110,000.
Center Personnel
Instructions for how to complete annual reports.
Requirements for IUCRC structure, governance, and Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meetings.
The Center Membership Agreement provides the framework for IUCRC operation as a vibrant research cooperative.
Instruction on the planning grant process, IUCRC boot camp, and the planning grant workshop.
Typical Planning Grant Workshop Agenda for a Multi-University IUCRC.
Typical Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting Agenda.
Typical Presentation format for IAB Meeting.
Used to summarize proposed projects. Ideally, these are shared with the IAB members in advance of an IAB meeting.
The Office of Sponsored research (SRO) in charge of the IUCRC Grants must track executed IUCRC membership agreements and provide the PIs with the membership certification for the award reporting period; and this document must be included as part of the annual report.
The Office of Sponsored Research (SRO) must use this form to prepare the membership certification document for inclusion in the Annual (or Final) Report submitted to NSF on the active IUCRC grant. This form applies to awards made under solicitations prior to NSF 20-570. This form must be submitted by each site in the IUCRC on their respective award.
The Office of Sponsored Research (SRO) must use this form to prepare the membership certification document for inclusion in the Annual (or Final) Report submitted to NSF on the IUCRC grant. This form applies to awards made under solicitation NSF 20-570. This form must be submitted only by the Lead Site in the IUCRC on behalf of the Center.
The Office of Sponsored research (SRO) in charge of the IUCRC Grants must track cost-sharing requirements by filing the cost-sharing notification according to the actual membership received.
Annual and Final Cost Share Notification by Recipient.
The Center Membership Agreement provides the framework for IUCRC operation as a vibrant research cooperative.
The Center Membership Agreement provides the framework for IUCRC operation as a vibrant research cooperative.
Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) NSF IUCRC Governance Requirements.
Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items.
Instructions for calculating cost recovery estimates.
Instructions for preparing and submitting IAA Requests.
The Center Membership Agreement provides the framework for IUCRC operation as a vibrant research cooperative.
The Center Membership Agreement provides the framework for IUCRC operation as a vibrant research cooperative.